Izindawo zokusebenzisa isitshalo sokuthatha

Emva kokukhomba okukhomba, izinkomba eziningi zazikhomba. Kuyinto isisekelo esikhulu sokwakha izinto ngokusebenzisa ukukhuphula okungenani kwezinto eziningi ezikhuphukileyo ezisemthethweni.
China has abundant rare earthresources, accounting for 40% of the world's reserves. Rare earth, as anemerging industry, has an increasingly wide range of applications. Extraction agent,as the main raw material for rare earth product production, has also beenwidely used. At present, the production and application of P507 extraction agent inChina have also gone through a development process of more than ten years withthe application of rare earths. Especially after the 2011 rare earth market,rare earth enterprises emerged like mushrooms after rain, promoting the rapiddevelopment of the rare earth industry.
Ukukhula kwezidingo eziningi ezemisebenzi yezokuthutha, izimboni zesilungu, izibalo zokugcina umoya, kanye nezifonelakho zasekhaya kumele kube nokwenzeka kwezinto eziningi zokuhlukanisa okuphelele kwezinto ezimayelana nezomhlaba, okusebenza ngokwengeziwe kwezinto eziningi zokuthutha.